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Why You Should Start Mobile Marketing Before Every Other Form?

Jamie Turner (Founder – 60SecondMarketer) said,

“If you’re not using mobile marketing to attract new customers to your business, don’t worry – your competitors are already using it and are getting those customers instead.”

We can’t agree more to that. With almost 45% of people in the world using smartphones, leaving that device out of marketing strategy isn’t an option anymore. Plus, with ongoing tests for 5G in the various parts of the world, it is evident that mobile data speed will improve significantly over the coming years. This, in turn, will boost the consumption of content through mobile. That makes mobile even more valuable resource to include in the marketing process. These are only a few of the many reasons advocating the importance of mobile marketing. Let’s see the remaining ones, helping mobile marketing rank first on the list of vital ingredients of digital marketing. But before that, it would be great to have a quick look
at the mobile marketing definition and scope of mobile marketing.

What is Mobile Marketing?

As the name indicates, it is the use of mobile technology and smartphone features to network with the target people and market the business. There are various types of mobile marketing, and you can choose the one which you find more appropriate as per your business.

Mobile Marketing Example

Push notification from an e-commerce vendor about a festive discount, etc. There are many other ways too and can be even more as people remain glued to phone for longer. Moreover, you must have come across a thing called ‘mobile snacking’, where people check out their phone in short breaks. So, opportunities are immense to catch your target audience through mobile marketing. The need is to find out the right way.

Benefits of Mobile Marketing

Precise Targeting

Through mobile marketing, you can reach to your target audience easily; at any time and place. It hardly matters whether they are in the office, home, at a beach; they have their mobile with them always. And yeah, they do check it frequently. According to the data on bankmycell.com, the average mobile user, click, swipe or tap the phone 2617 times/day.
Don’t you have so many chances to appear in front of your users?

Integrated App Marketing

The fittest of all is having a mobile application for your business, like Instagram and Facebook. That makes your interaction with your customers simpler. Moreover, it helps you in accurate targeting and let you come up with interesting offers for every group; you can create customized campaigns according to gender, age, city, etc.

Plentiful Options

In mobile marketing, you have numerous ways to introduce yourself to the target group or remind them that you care for them. And they won’t be able to ignore you, as people hardly use ad blockers in the mobile, unlike in the case of desktop/laptop. To name a few options, we have, push notifications, SMS/MMS, blogs, ads in games, apps and videos, etc. You can pull them through interactive and attractive ads, which are hard to skip.

Instant Act

The chances of conversion can increase through mobile marketing. How? Because mobile offers instant payment facilities. Many people use banking apps, mobile wallets, UPI facilities, PayPal and other apps, facilitating payment for completing the transaction. And when they come across something interesting or useful while using mobile, the probability of
purchasing increases as they can pay for that instantly and get that. In the case of the desktop, the chances of postponing increases as people might not have essential payment details handy, which is hardly a case with mobile.

Voice Search Marketing

The trend of voice search is rising. Well, do you even remember how many times you have used voice search feature in your pc or laptop for searching the internet? Barely, right? But what about mobile voice search? People use it often. And you, as a business, can bring more traffic by tactfully implementing voice search in your mobile marketing strategy. In other
words, you can optimize yourself for voice search and can derive benefits through mobile marketing.

More Promotion

Mobile marketing serves you with the additional benefit of being promoted without extra efforts. The reason being, it’s easy for the people to share the content on mobile. So, whenever they find something beneficial, they tend to share it with the people in their network. Thus, this easy shareability lets you reach to more number of people.

Always On

Unlike desktop, mobile is always on, which means you can reach out to your target audience irrespective of the time. And to enhance the results, you can find out the best time for particular mobile marketing activity and can proceed accordingly.

Google Shifting To Mobile-First Indexing

Now, Google is going to adopt the Mobile-First Indexing that means, in the coming time, anything that you want to be indexed must be on the mobile site. And mobile marketing can help you get at the top of the search.

In Essence

The time has gone when mobile used to be just a communication device. If you haven’t started including it in your marketing strategies, do it now. Otherwise, you are going to get far behind your competitors and end up bearing a hefty cost. It’s not a baseless talk, you know! You have seen the numbers. Mobile, being a versatile device, serves you with numerous options to tap your potential customers. And if worked upon properly, mobile marketing can take you to new heights in the business, and you already know why and how.

Where Are You?

Does mobile marketing strategy already form part of your digital marketing plan? Or you are yet to pay heed to same? Well, Neel Networks can assist you in both cases. We have a team to work for you on mobile marketing and can ensure that you reap 100% benefits of mobile marketing. All we need a yes from you. We are just a call away…Call us now. Right from preparing strategies to applying the same, we can undertake every responsibility for you.

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