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Ad Blockers and How They Are Impacting Your Digital Marketing

With the increasing pace of digitisation – rise in the number of smartphone users, easy access to the internet, surging consumption of digital content, online advertisement is becoming a trend. Or, to better state, digital ads have become the need. Obviously, to get the best outcome, ads need to be at the place where the number of audiences is more. It enhances your reach in lesser efforts. And it facilitates both the parties – the one whose product or service is being displayed and the consumer.


But the sudden pop-ups, an unexpected sound, irrelevant content in the middle of the session, etc., are a source of distraction. Not everyone likes or prefers watching ads while consuming content online. Maybe because they find these ads annoying. Plus, this degrades the experience of the users.

And what’s next?

Well, you must have guessed!

Yeah, here comes ad blocker. Of course, with that, searchers can be in a peaceful situation. But what about digital marketers? How ad blocking can affect them? That’s what we are going to see in today’s post. But before moving to that, let’s have a look at what is ad blocking? How does that happen?

What is Ad Blocking?

The act of using technology to block the advertisements from displaying on the website is adblocking. For this, there are several options of different types like ad blocking using browser integration, DNS filtering, etc. 

Well, irrespective of the type of ad blocking technology, digital marketers are the ones feeling the heat the most. But they are not the only ones. It is a moment of thinking for companies as well who choose the paid ads to develop business. Because ad blocking comes as a major restriction. How? What to do about it?

Do you have these questions?

Dive in the content to satiate your mind.

The Impact of Ad Blockers on Digital Marketing

No Ads Serving on Browser 

With an ad blocker in place, your ad doesn’t get displayed to the targeted audience. And if that’s the case, what’s the sense of running ads? Ad blocker, by preventing the ads, is curbing reach and in turn, the success of the digital marketing ad campaign. That’s because the ad won’t reach the desired number of people. And this way, the rising use of ad blockers can be challenging for both – the publisher and the advertiser. The advertiser can’t generate desired traffic or clicks, etc. Also, ad blocking leads to revenue loss for ad network operators. How? It’s because advertisers might stop running ads upon not getting the desired results.

Shifting towards Permission Based Advertising

The concept of ad blocking is to kill the disturbances during online content consumption and enhance the user experience. That means an end to interruption marketing. Now, it’s time for the digital marketing industry to give a hearty welcome to permission marketing. It’s a concept that insists on the permission of the users to present them with the promotional content. If they choose, that’s great. And if not, leave them. Though the permission marketing concept is not new, it’s yet to get due importance. And time is here. With the elevating graph of the number of ad block technology users and the addition of regulatory laws to give space to the internet users, permission marketing is the way forward. The members of the digital marketing fraternity must understand this and start adopting it.  A permission-based approach to marketing can help you attain better results as you will be able to do precise targeting; you can enjoy better engagement and conversion rates.

More of Subscription-Based Model /Funding-Based Model/Donation-Based Model

You can call it an extension of the above point. And this is an excellent option for people who are doing content-based business. Instead of having more dependence on display ads, you can shift to a subscription/funding/donation-based model for revenue. That’s because if you use display ads, the ads won’t show with an ad blocker in place. Forget about getting a click and earning money from ads. But you can’t just keep doing charity. You need money to grow! For that, you need to change. Also, you can do both. Like, you can keep both ads and subscription/funding/donation-based model. Now, when a person using an ad blocker visits your site, you can give an option – allow ads to visit without subscription or registration. Otherwise, subscribe to read through.

But for that, you need to pay more attention to the content quality. People should be willing to subscribe and/or pay to get access to your content. And with high-quality content, you can use ad-blocker detection and make the user turn off ad-blocking or add your address to the whitelist.

Shift Towards Affiliate or Influencer Marketing

With ad blocking technology becoming the trend, the digital marketing industry must keep evolving. The need is to come up with ways that can benefit both the advertisers and themselves. And two of the great options here are – affiliate marketing and influencer marketing. You can use these alternates to promote the business of the advertiser and help them get more conversion while making a profit for yourself.

In-App Ad Blocking Options

And last but not least, ad blocking is not all about blocking ads on the web browser. The concept of ad blocking has started affecting mobile app ads too. And that conveys the urgency of moving to other methods of digital marketing. Think of the more strategic and audience-centric ways where the target audience can’t overpass the advertiser.


With time, the choices of people are shifting. They want their search results to be concise and distraction-free. In other words, they only want to see the content that serves their desire. And that’s pushing the use of ad blocking technology. With that, of course, there is a reduction in the number of options. But that’s not the end. Just by being innovative, you can think of more ways to use digital marketing for business growth.

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